Our goal is to eat and blog. We've posted 15 times. Last one was 4554 days ago.

Hi, you’ve got 7 days left until weigh-in day.

January 20th, 2010 at 7:16 pm

How often do you weigh in? Most of us jump on the scale whenever we want to know how much we weigh. There’s no set schedule. We either blow off weighing ourselves for months at a time or take it to the extreme weighing in several times per day, to see if the last reading was a fluke.

Yes I’ve been known to weigh myself, then try taking off my watch and glasses to see if I could eek out a lower number. It no worky. I tried.

Our weight is always fluctuating depending on the time of day, how much we’ve eaten, how active we’ve been and even if we’ve gone to the bathroom recently or not. Even though it is tempting to jump on the scale (or avoid it all together), we get better results when we stick to a schedule to monitor our weight.

When we weigh-in too frequently, a sudden illogical shift in our weight can send us down the wrong path. There’s nothing worse than weighing in only to jump on the scale a bit later only to find we’ve gained weight. It makes it appear as if we’re doing something wrong and instantly gets us thinking about what we should be doing differently to stop the weight from piling up. This is the trap.

Pick a weigh-in day, once per week. Mornings are a good time to jump on the scale, but the most important thing is to pick a regular time and stick to it. I like to weigh-in right when I wake up, before I eat or drink anything and after a quick restroom break. To keep things consistent, I wear roughly the same type of clothing (shorts and a t-shirt with no shoes), this helps me document my weight in a way that is more apples to apples (week in and week out).

Look at your weigh-in day as the payoff to see how your body was affected by how you ate last week. At the same time, your weigh-in day marks a fresh start to a new food week.

We’ve designed work food out to help keep you on track. Once you’ve picked your weigh-in day, each week after weighing-in, a timer is set. If you try to enter a new weight before your next scheduled weigh-in date, it tells you when to come back. Think of it as your own personal scale assistant.


While it’s important to get lots of variety in the kinds of foods you eat and in the types of activities you do, weighing-in should be practiced with patience and consistency if you want to control it and not let it control you. » Bryan

Shut-up self.

January 11th, 2010 at 4:10 pm

While learning the importance of logging what I eat, one of the things I was so grateful for was the unrelenting patience of my Nutritionist, Marco. Having someone to hold me accountable, whose job was to not jump the gun, was an extremely powerful lesson.

One of the reasons I often found it difficult to stick to managing my food portions (for long periods of time) is my mind and body would play tricks on me. When I didn’t see results fast enough, I’d start thinking stuff like, What am I doing wrong? or This isn’t working, or Why am I doing this?

I’d make a drastic change (trying to eat too little, exercise too much or avoid eating something all together).

Typically, it’s those reactive changes that throw us off course and kill our ability to achieve consistency. While drastic changes can sometimes provide instantaneous results, consistency builds context, experience and habit.

Often times, I’ve found my quick decisions about what to do next we’re wrong.

Some weeks I’d feel fit and think “I dropped some pounds this week for sure,” and end up weighing exactly the same or having gained weight. The same went for weeks I felt like a bag of sand and I’d be sure I was heavier. Those often ended up being weeks I’d surprisingly shed pounds. Go figure!

The best thing I have learned counting my calories with the guidance of a professional is staying power. If I gain some weight this week, I don’t get all crazy for that magic change agent that will guarantee results next week. I stay the course, repeat exactly what I did the previous week, only I do it a little better, with a little more purpose.

Sometimes what we need to improve our situation, is to do NOTHING AT ALL… Just keep do’in what we’re do’in. » Bryan

What in the heck is a work food out?

January 8th, 2010 at 3:06 pm

Work food out is the place to write down everything you eat. It’s a place where you can weigh each week and compare how your eating habits from last week affected your weight. Finally, its a place where you can fine-tune your eating goals and put the kibosh on over-eating for good.

Our main goal is to help normal people like you and I to get a handle on the deliciousness of food. Let’s face it. Food is good, real good. It’s just too easy to volunteer for that last slice of pizza even though your about to fall over.

Here’s how it works:

1) write down everything you eat, every day (be consistent). This will help you see your eating patterns and give you the data needed to make positive changes.

2) weigh-in once a week (only once). This will show you how your eating habits (for last week) have affected your weight.

3) once you visually see what’s happening (on screen), you can start slowly fine-tuning your weekly goal (how many calories you can eat each day for that week). When you arrive at a goal that lets you stay satisfied and naturally shed unnecessary weight, that’s your food number.

Be patient, go slow, and make small goal changes each week so your body never sees it coming.

Work food out teaches you how to speak the language of food. When you are fluent, you start to crave foods that offer better bang for the buck (more value-added foods). You’ll swap out more processed empty foods for more natural and whole choices. As your energy level increases from all of the pounds being shed, you’ll kick up the activity levels and that’s when the real magic happens.

So start working your food out. If you need any more info, tips or just a plain old how many calories would you write-in for this, give us a holler. » Bryan

Are you working your food out?

November 16th, 2009 at 6:16 pm

Work food out is a food logbook where you can write down everything you eat to see your eating habits in a whole new light. We designed the service be simple, friendly and matter of fact. Give it a try. Write down what you eat for a week and see for yourself. If you have any questions, just ask. » Bryan

How I used to do it.

May 13th, 2009 at 1:32 am

Before Work Food Out this is how I used to track what I eat. I used a spreadsheet (x-tables) and manually connected each day, week in and week out (for almost 150 weeks!).

Sample Day:


Sample Weigh-ins:
