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Hi, you’ve got 7 days left until weigh-in day.

January 20th, 2010 at 7:16 pm

How often do you weigh in? Most of us jump on the scale whenever we want to know how much we weigh. There’s no set schedule. We either blow off weighing ourselves for months at a time or take it to the extreme weighing in several times per day, to see if the last reading was a fluke.

Yes I’ve been known to weigh myself, then try taking off my watch and glasses to see if I could eek out a lower number. It no worky. I tried.

Our weight is always fluctuating depending on the time of day, how much we’ve eaten, how active we’ve been and even if we’ve gone to the bathroom recently or not. Even though it is tempting to jump on the scale (or avoid it all together), we get better results when we stick to a schedule to monitor our weight.

When we weigh-in too frequently, a sudden illogical shift in our weight can send us down the wrong path. There’s nothing worse than weighing in only to jump on the scale a bit later only to find we’ve gained weight. It makes it appear as if we’re doing something wrong and instantly gets us thinking about what we should be doing differently to stop the weight from piling up. This is the trap.

Pick a weigh-in day, once per week. Mornings are a good time to jump on the scale, but the most important thing is to pick a regular time and stick to it. I like to weigh-in right when I wake up, before I eat or drink anything and after a quick restroom break. To keep things consistent, I wear roughly the same type of clothing (shorts and a t-shirt with no shoes), this helps me document my weight in a way that is more apples to apples (week in and week out).

Look at your weigh-in day as the payoff to see how your body was affected by how you ate last week. At the same time, your weigh-in day marks a fresh start to a new food week.

We’ve designed work food out to help keep you on track. Once you’ve picked your weigh-in day, each week after weighing-in, a timer is set. If you try to enter a new weight before your next scheduled weigh-in date, it tells you when to come back. Think of it as your own personal scale assistant.


While it’s important to get lots of variety in the kinds of foods you eat and in the types of activities you do, weighing-in should be practiced with patience and consistency if you want to control it and not let it control you. » Bryan

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